Sunday, January 9, 2011

These assumptions and accusations are not deserved.

Fox News broadcast an interview Shepherd Smith did with the woman who grabbed the magazine from the shooter in Arizona yesterday, after he had been brought to the ground and subdued by other bystanders.  As I was listening it occurred to me that she sounded angry.  She made sure to correct what was reported, that she had tackled the guy and grabbed the magazine from him.  He was already down when one of the men who had him under control yelled for someone to grab the magazine, and she did.  Shep was pushing, asking questions trying to make an interesting interview out of something it wasn't.  I thought she was getting annoyed with the questions he was asking.  But at the end of the interview he asked about her son who is a year older than the shooter, and then indicating it was the end of the interview asked if she had anything to say to people, and said something weird like "to make people feel better?"  That is when she blamed right wing politicians and talk show hosts for the inflammatory language they use, and cited "the job killing bill" and things like that.

Jane Fonda, like SHE is so relevant these days has placed the blame on Sarah Palin for "targeting" Gabrielle Giffords congressional seat, because isn't it obvious that was the motive for this shooting?  Sarah Palin made it happen?  Why are people so afraid of her?

NOW is blaming GOP members of congress and says : "We condemn, equally, the culture of hate and violence increasingly reflected in extreme right-wing opponents of those who support progressive solutions to our country's challenges."  So .. it's the peaceful tea partiers and the right wing commentators and politicians that made this man shoot people?  Hmmm.  Why don't they just say that opponents of progressive solutions are violent, because that's what they mean?

The former senator and Democratic presidential hopeful Gary Hart, writing on the Huffington Post website, blamed symbols such as cross hairs and the use of words such as "targeted".
"Today we have seen the results of this rhetoric," Hart wrote.  GARY HART??  REALLY??

Giffords's father was blunter. Asked if she had any enemies, he said: "Yeah, the whole Tea Party."

Twitter and Palin's own Facebook page are exploding with accusations:

"You're a disgrace of a person! This is ALL your fault for exciting violence in America. Continue killing your wolves but stop making your minions kill politicians. This bulleyes list produced by you is most likely the reason for today's incident," one person wrote.
Another wrote this: "Well I guess Sarah can mark Gabrielle Giffords as "taken care of" on her target hit list. She must be so proud of herself!"
The posts are being rapidly erased.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote on his blog hours after the shooting that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have contributed to a “climate of hate.”

"You know that Republicans will yell about the evils of partisanship whenever anyone tries to make a connection between the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc. and the violence I fear we’re going to see in the months and years ahead. But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate. And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers."

Krugman later disabled the comments on the post.

Why are politicians or people with right wing political views being blamed for this?  We do not espouse hate and certainly do not incite violence!  It makes me laugh when they throw Glenn Beck in there, what's HE doing - PRAYING bullets at someone?? 

We DO hate the actions of many people.  We do hate the fact that many of us were kept quiet by political correctness for years until we figured out what was happening and now because we dare speak out and fight back politically - we hate groups of people and we promote violence??

I am so tired of the accusations.  I am so tired of the lies.

But - it only strengthens my resolve to continue to fight toward getting our republic back through legal, political, and PEACEFUL means.  Unfortunately when there are no real examples of right wing hatred and violence, the left makes it up.  But we will not give them the real thing because we are NOT who they say we are.


1 comment:

Joe said...

The left, who are historically the real haters, always tries to deflect the blame to the right. It's in their DNA.