I didn't jump on that and rub his nose in it, I just quietly relished the moment thinking - okay, it's a baby step . . . ! That is, until we started tip-toeing around the healthcare issue and Fox News. His opinion is that no one should watch ONLY Fox News because people who do are "fed" a certain mindset and untruths masked as facts. I had to laugh although again, I bit my tongue. Yeah - that main stream media certainly doesn't slant things a certain way, do they? And they ALWAYS report the facts! Uh huh! NOT.
As far as the healthcare issue goes, he said he couldn't understand why people throw things around like government run healthcare and Socialism. He says "this is about health INSURANCE, not government healthcare." I had to draw the line there, finally had to say something. I pointed out that that's what the public option is, or will be, government run healthcare. He tried to say that it wouldn't be for everyone, people would be able to have the healthcare they want, it would only be a choice.
Astonishing! My brother is no dummy, and I could not believe these things were coming out of his mouth! I told him that it would start that way, but once the insurance companies were squeezed out because they can't compete with the government, we would ALL have government run healthcare. It would only be a matter of time.
My brother said "but that is a 'could be' not a 'will be'. We can't vote on a 'could be'. If I could have reached through that phone I think I would have slapped him. Is that what the liberals can't see? They cannot look beyond the here and now and realize that everything has to start somewhere, and getting the public "option" out there is just a stepping stone?
We stopped the conversation before it got more complicated, we were on the phone because we did have some serious family business to discuss and we know we have to work together. But that is the closest my brother, with his degrees in history and political science was actually a little (underscore little) thoughtful about what I was saying. He didn't immediately tell me I was wrong and trample my voice to tell me how.
And he actually admitted that he does watch Fox News along with a few other outlets because he wants all the angles of the issues. Personally, I think Fox is starting to win a tiny bit. Not that he would ever admit it. But if he ever crosses over to our side completely - you can bet I'll rub his nose in it. BIG!