I have to tell you I am SO proud of all of the people who took part in today's march on Washington, and all the other marches and meetings across the country. And while sometimes Glenn Beck gets a little over the top for me, I think we owe him a huge debt of gratitude. I have to admit watching his special today and seeing all the people and the signs, I got a bit teary eyed. It gives me hope that we can actually change things!

Go here to see some great pictures of the crowds and signs at the capital today. Such a GREAT day!!
They did an awesome job!!! I think the knee-jerks have their hands full with ol' Glen! You gotta hand it to a guy who can organize meaningful protest with people who actually work for a living! It is truly good to see mobilization on the part of the people *who are actually paying for this liberal nonsense*!!!
I just read about David Axlerod's comment that these protests "don't represent the views of the broader public..."
Then it dawned on me. I mean, come on, Dave! If the alarm clock was any louder, they'd have their hands on your throat! At some point these liberals oughtta be switching their thinking from denial to "gee, they just might have a point" - Hopefully before the alarm clock gets louder.
We simply can't stay this dangerously polarized forever.
Yeah I tweeted about David Axelrod today. I can't believe they can be in that much denial. I think there plan is to ignore the opposition thinking if they put up the front that there's nothing wrong - people will buy it. I don't know, sounds like a pretty stupid plan to me since we're getting pretty LOUD!!!
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