I am at a loss. The moron pastor in Florida had every right to burn the Koran. Just like people have the right to conduct civil demonstrations in our nation's streets. People even have the right to burn our flag here at home. But what kind of animals rush into a building and kill people who are there to help them, simply because they represent the "infidels" who offended them?
I am at a loss. The moron pastor in Florida had every right to burn the Koran. Just like people have the right to conduct civil demonstrations in our nation's streets. People even have the right to burn our flag here at home. But what kind of animals rush into a building and kill people who are there to help them, simply because they represent the "infidels" who offended them?
It's to the point that I just want to bring our people home, pull up the drawbridge and put some gators in the moat. Tired. Tired of every nation around the world yelling for the U.S. to come to their aid when there is a crisis. Tired of us responding and policing the world for people who hate us and have no gratitude. We are not going to win them over. We are not bringing democracy to them. They don't understand democracy. Hell, they don't understand human decency, let alone democracy.
What good did President Hamid Karzai think it would do to decry the act of that evil American who dared to disrespect Islam by burning the Koran? Did he think his people would be all "oh those silly Americans, always goofing around", or did he KNOW his people would be enraged and would take vengeance on the closest western targets they could get their hands on?
I'm no foreign relations expert, but something tells me that wasn't the act of a friend to our country.
Did we grab the nearest Pakistani and behead them when Daniel Pearl was killed? Or did we have a ridiculous national discussion about whether or not anyone should participate in the Internet fueled "draw Mohamed day"? Why do we cower before their bullying?
We don't understand the minds of people so willing to kill other human beings and also willing to die themselves.
Can we drill for our own oil, develop other sources of energy too, and stop dealing with the devil? Can we get a new administration in Washington that isn't mincing around and caving to every politically correct breeze that blows in? How about an administration that actually loves the United States of America, the constitution, and the Judeo-Christian beliefs our nation was founded on?
Well said.
We continue to act (governmentally) as though these people aren't that bad if we'd just take the time to understand them.
Problem is, they are beyond understanding.
Amen, sister. Amen. Preach it!!!
Expertly said.
Btw, you were the inspiration for my new profile pic. ;)
Also, may I put this up on Twitter?
I'm not sure how I could inspire your pic but it IS great! And of course you may put this on twitter if you like. Be my guest. :)
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